terrain health and safety consultants manchester
Learn about your health and safety duties with Terrain

Useful health & safety information

You  need to keep a record of every workplace

accident where someone has been injured.

This includes employees, agency staff, contractors, customers and visitors/members of the public. Everyone's health & safety is important.  

You don’t need to use any special form or method, but make sure you


 - The name of the injured person,
 - Date and time of the event
 - A brief description of the injury, where it happened and what caused it

Make sure you keep personal data in compliance with the Data Protection Act.

Terrain are experts in investigating and managing accidents and their outcomes. Contacting us today may save you many thousands of pounds in lost time, legal costs and increased insurance premiums. Contact us today and get health and safety sorted
hello@terrainsafety.uk 0161 804 1274


You should investigate every workplace incident causing injury.

 - Could the incident have caused more serious injuries?

 - How will you prevent it happening again?

Remember the injured person(s) may claim through the courts for personal injuries, within a two (sometimes three) period after the accident. If you don’t have full details (witness names, photographs, dates, times and circumstances) it is almost impossible to successfully defend a claim

Your investigation will also show enforcing authorities that you take health & safety seriously

Terrain are experts in investigating and managing accidents and their outcomes. Contacting us today may save you many thousands of pounds in lost time, legal costs and increased insurance premiums.

Contact us today and get health & safety sorted

hello@terrainsafety.uk 0161 804 1274